Thursday 28 October 2010

Tagua nut necklace

I pulled out my jewellery-making box on Sunday and got creative. I bought these tagua nut buttons from Etelage in Newtown ages ago, but hadn't used them. Tagua nuts come from a palm tree found in the Andes in South America, and are used as an elephant ivory substitute. They dye well and I was lucky to be able to choose from a large range of colours. I wove together the buttons with waxed cotton, tying a knot after the last button. I then twisted the two strands before closing them with a crimp end and a clasp. The buttons aren't cheap at $3.95 each. The materials for this necklace cost me about $65.

1 comment:

  1. Wow - quite expensive in the end, but it looks fantastic! I love the way the two-tiered weaving works. Hope you get to wear it lots.
