Saturday 9 October 2010


It seems a logical place to start doesn't it? I've always wanted to write for others and I've finally been inspired to start by my friend Wendy, whose fantastic blog Le Franco Phoney discusses (in her words) "all things French as seen by an outsider". So here I am. This blog will be about my first attempts. I succeed, I spend a lot of money, I fail. I'm not too worried if I fail because I'd rather fail than be stuck with 'what if?'. I have no regrets, and everything I've tried has helped me to grow. Hopefully I've got something interesting to say ... stay posted :)

1 comment:

  1. Awww, I feel a bit spsh now. Lovely blog, Ruby. I hope you enjoy writing it as much as I do mine (as well as all those great experiences to write about).
