Monday 11 October 2010

Cutting off the curls

I've always had so many reasons for not cutting my hair short. My past boyfriends preferred I didn’t, or I thought it might affect my chances on online dating sites. I'm sure most men can look past a hairstyle, but the photo counts for so much on an online dating site. I once tested how many responses I got first with a photo with my hair curly, and secondly with straight hair. Curly hair lost. Then there's the wierd mohawk you wake up with in the morning. However, short hair does wonders for my face, bringing out my eyes and exposing my neck. I can show off my jewellery and I don’t have to decide how to do my hair in the morning. I’m saving money because I need less hair product, and I’m saving the planet because I need less water to wash out said hair product. I’ve put off cutting my hair for years, and I’m ecstatic that I’ve finally done it. Now that it’s short, a dramatic colour change isn’t such a risky option. Thus I replace one quandary with another. Pink or blonde?


  1. Hi Ruby!! I Like your new hairstyle! I found your blog though Facebook. Very nice to read about what you do and your life in Australia. I live in London at the moment. I am doing a masters program in Management and Organisational Innovation at one of University och London's colleges, Queen Mary. It is hard work, tons of reading and seminars and lectures all the time. But I like it. I am planning to go back to Sweden in June to write my dissertation. Take care! xx Ulli

  2. Thanks Ulli, wow another course another country. Hope you enjoy London while you're there, I miss it sometimes! You take care too xx Ruby
