Monday 18 October 2010

Mountain Biking

Oh the rattling, eyeball shaking, shoulder tensing, dust creating, rock sliding fun of it all! Tip: it's probably best not to attempt mountain biking for the first time on a hybrid that has slicks and nooo suspension. Apart from my morbid fear that the combination of vibration and lack of vision might throw me from my bike, this was a most enjoyable first. In September I went with my club (SPAN Outdoors) to do a 40km ride along the Kings Tableland Road from Wentworth Falls to Mc Mahon’s Point lookout and return. This is an undulating cliff top dirt road, with stunning views over Lake Burragorang from the lookout. It's pretty easy as cycles go; there are no killer hills and the surface is pretty good. I'd always put off trying mountain biking because I disliked losing traction. And losing traction in sand was probably the only thing on the ride that I really disliked. I’m told this is easily improved by having knobbly's on your bike. The attraction is definitely the much broader range of tours I can now consider. I may have to buy a mountain bike though…

1 comment:

  1. My first mountain biking experience was over wet leaves in autumn. Bloody scary without all the bits of body armour that the regulars have. I'm glad there was no sand!
