Sunday 10 October 2010

Camping and kangaroos in the snow

I camped at Thredbo Diggings in my dad’s campervan on my own for a few days after my beginners weekend. I fell in love with this luxurious style of camping but think that my social life could take a critical dive if I were to buy one. Skiing on the tops wasn’t an attractive option in a heavy blizzard and gale-force winds, so I decided to relax in my camper. During my idyll I took a walk through light snow cover and nearly walked straight past a large male eastern grey kangaroo, the first one I've seen in the snow. He was stretched out in the sun and wasn’t bothered at all when I sat only two metres away to take photos. I was ready to run, particularly when he started flexing his claws. His only concern was my walking past him to leave, at which point he growled at me. After another day of heavy snowfalls, I even managed to ski at Thredbo Diggings – rare indeed.

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