Wednesday 29 February 2012

The delights of a country Services Club menu

This week I worked over the weekend in Grafton, a country town in northern NSW. We were booked in to eat dinner every night at the local Services Club. The menu was very typical of any Services Club in a country town in that there wasn't a single item on the menu that didn't clog your arteries somehow.

The menu had one dish with each type of meat, and then a couple of specials, including good old crumbed lamb cutlets, two salads (caesar and a green salad covered in a prawn cocktail) and then a wide assortment of fried entrees. The grilled fish (not too bad a start) was served with three types of potato: mashed; roasted in foil; and potato bake (bad finish). For good measure there was a thick creamy sauce lathered over the top of the fish. I didn't have this one...

The lamb cutlets were big and came with a large plate full of a variety of mashed vegetables, including potato, sweet potato and carrot. No greens.

In despair, I ordered a lamb dish that seemed a bit better and only came with mash, of which I could easily just have half. No veges were included, so I ordered a side salad, only to have it arrive drenched in creamy dressing! I learnt to choose basic meat cuts (eg. a steak), served with salad and a dressing on the side, so I could control what went on it. The club had a smorgasboard on the final night, which is a nightmare if you're tempted by an unlimited supply of deserts, entrees and different mains. I didn't do too badly, but was swayed by the cheesecake.

Then in good old country style, the training was catered with a profusion of buns, cakes, buttered biscuits, and hot meals for lunch, with a lovely catering lady encouraging everyone to eat more because they didn't want to take it home.

I ate reasonably well before I went to Grafton, and tried to minimise the damage over the weekend, so there hasn't been any damage this week, but it may not have hit my hips yet! We'll see what happens next week.
Because it's hard to get consistency in measurements each week, I'm only going to measure every three weeks now. Weight Watchers only get you to measure once a month, so I'll follow their advice.

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