Monday 5 March 2012

Quick update

Something that gave me confidence this week was the discovery that I could stick to healthy eating without following a meal plan. Years ago I lost a fair amount of weight, but really struggled to maintain my goal weight. After all my hard work and 14kg lost (from 78 to 64 kg) I put it back on pretty quickly. So while I only lost 300g this week, I'm pleased that I managed to lose anything when I didn't really plan my meals.

Lots of kayaking this week. I went three times and I'm feeling a lot more confident for it. I took five minutes off my time at the 6km time trial this week, possibly due to singing while I paddled. It helped me keep time and a regular stroke going. It was the second time I've tried stand-up paddle boarding. This is a really good form of exercise, as your leg muscles are constantly working to balance the board.

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