Monday 26 March 2012

Unbelievable diets

There are some absolute crackers of ways to lose weight out there that people have tried and in some cases still try in an effort to lose weight.
I found a highly absorbing website called that reviews hundreds of different diets, some of them credible and some of them a bit scary.

One of the scariest was the 'Tapeworm diet', only available in Mexico and for a cost of $1500 (on top of possible health costs for the side effects). If you're unlucky, this diet can be lethal.

There's the 'Wrong Hand Diet' where you eat with your non-favoured hand. Or the one where you make sure at parties that you are holding something in one hand (like a handbag) so that it is more difficult to hold multiple items of food. This could also result in you simply spilling everything down the front of your favourite outfit, or worse down the front of someone else's favourite outfit.

Perhaps you could try the diet where you chew your food 32 times and spit it out, because you're not allowed to swallow it. The brilliant mind behind this one was art dealer Horace Fletcher (in the early 1900s).

A few people have invented diet aids, like the red/green light fork, patented in 1995.
The Red/Green Light Fork
The fork senses when you eat something and the light changes from green to red. You can't eat again until it turns back to green. Bit frustrating really.
Some of us might like the sound of the sleeping diet, sleeping 24/7 so there's no need to eat, and you'll be tired enough to sleep because you'll be exhausted from lack of the energy normally provided by food. Not how I want to spend my days...

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