Monday 26 March 2012

Establishing good habits

I'm really pleased to be able to say I lost weight this week. The meal plan I created last week was great. Because it was full of my favourite meals, I looked forward to every meal and really enjoyed eating them. My favourite was probably the filo fish pie which was a recipe. It was surprisingly creamy for something low-fat, so it felt like I was having something naughty. I also looked forward to my sweet treats enough that I didn't indulge before I was supposed to.

The top moment of the week was when I discovered that I needed to wear a belt with my favourite jeans. It'd been so long since I'd worn a belt I couldn't remember where I'd put them :)

A few people commented this week that they didn't know how I kept on doing all the exercise. I'm doing about 5-7 hours a week, and I have to say that even though I sometimes think, Oh I'll just miss it this time, I usually don't. I think it's become a habit to ride to work on Monday and Friday, and to go paddling on Tuesday morning and Wednesday night, and climb on Thursday night. Then if I feel like it, I do something on Sunday as well. I didn't really like my yoga class and it was expensive, so yoga is on hold until I find a better class.

There's a lot to be said for creating good habits. Exercising can become a habit, and so can the foods you eat. You start eating a healthy breakfast, and soon you don't think about how you used to just have a coffee, because you enjoy the breakfast and it gives you a good start to the day. 

The thing about habits is that the bad ones keep sneaking back in, so you have to keep up your guard. Telling yourself that one piece of cake won't matter is fine, if that's the only piece of cake you're having over a few days. If you start telling yourself that everyday, those pieces of cake are going to start adding up before you know it!

Good habits, once established are just as hard to break as are bad habits. (Robert Puller)
Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going. (Jim Rohn)

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