Friday 17 February 2012

Poppin' foods

Mmm, snacks. I have a huge weakness for them and they are probably the reason I gained weight in the first place. My meals are usually pretty healthy, and I always exercise, but I just love those little sweet treats and salty sensations.

My favourite kind of snacks are the ones you keep popping into your mouth, think popcorn chicken, that coloured sugar popcorn, skittles, m&m's, any sort of lolly really, chips, the whole sordid list could continue forever.

So how can we get over this poppin' fixation? I've decided to replace my unhealthy poppin' snacks with healthy ones.

Cherry tomatoes - great when you need a sweet/savoury taste and they're nice and juicy.

Popcorn - I dry-pop these in the microwave. Put 1/4 cup in a microwave safe container of about 1-2 litres that has a lid (doesn't need to be secured), and make sure you also put a small container of water in separately. Microwaves don't like cooking dry things. Cook it on high for three minutes (800 watt) and stand by to check after two minutes. Remove the popped ones then, and put the rest back in for the final minute (to stop earlier ones burning). This makes about 2-3 cups. You'll only need one, and the rest can go away in an air-proof container for later.

Pretzels - a small handful of the ones you get in the chips aisle (not the doughy baked kind) is much better than the equivalent handful of chips.

Almonds - eight of these are equal to about 1/20 of your day's calories, they're filling and full of lots of good stuff. Other nuts are okay, but are higher in fat and have less good stuff!

Cherries or grapes - only a small bunch of these, don't take a whole bag. They're good to take to the movies too.

And if you really need a lolly, the sours range from Natural Confectionery Co are better than most. You can have four of these for every lolly banana or mintie. One sour lolly is equal to one almond, but the almond is going to be a whole lot more satisfying and help keep hunger at bay.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting about the water in the microwave - I never knew that. I tend to pop popcorn in a brown paper bag, but I guess a container that holds the heat will cause more of the kernals to pop and would be better.

    Now, if only I could get off the chocolate snacks...
