Monday 6 February 2012

Darn those new scales!

I always struggle a bit in the third week. There were a couple of days where it felt like no matter what I ate, I couldn't fill the hole in my stomach. It's important to have something healthy on stand-by for these days, because it's all too easy to duck down to the local cafe or shop to buy something that will most likely be unhealthy. I treated myself to an ice-cream when I went to the movies, choosing the lowest fat one available, and I also went out for lunch and had fish and chips, but asked for my fish grilled and only ate half the chips, with a big salad on the side. You can't skip all these things, because you end up craving them and eating way more of them than you would under more controlled circumstances.

I bought new scales this week, which has made me wonder how accurate the last two weigh-ins were. At the start I used someone else's scales, and then for weeks two and three I used my old dial scales that only have a few millimetres between each kilo, making an accurate reading hard. I bough new digital scales, and my weight went up about 700g. It's important to weigh yourself on the same scales every week, at the same time and wearing the same clothes. I once found out that a pair of my boots weighed 1kg, so you can imagine how what you're wearing could affect your weight week to week. As you can see below, although my weight didn't really change, I did lose a little on my measurements. I'm glad I'm recording them, because it can be a bit demotivating just watching your weight!
I still managed five hours of exercise, but didn't do as much riding as I would have liked, because it was raining a fair bit. I need to harden up and get out no matter what the weather! I reached a goal this week, and managed to climb to the top of the rope at the climbing gym. I'm very proud of myself and will try and get someone to take a photo of me up there this week :)

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