Tuesday 23 November 2010

Stand-up paddle boarding

If you're looking for a sport that will give you an all-over body workout, stand-up paddle boarding is it. On Sunday Northbridge Kayaks took my group out on the shallow backwater behind Northbridge Baths, where the only danger on falling off is the oyster shells cutting your feet. Kneeling on the board gave us time to get the feel for it and helped us pass safely through the marina. Once we stood up it didn't feel like my body was having to do much, but after half an hour my legs started shaking. There is a big cumulative impact from the tiny adjustments required to maintain your balance on the board. On top of that, we had to use a long paddle to propel us through the water, which exercised our shoulders, triceps, back muscles and core. We had a one-hour lesson, with reasonably windy conditions. Considering I have pretty bad balance, I was very proud that I managed to finish the hour without falling off my board. Of the ten of us from my outdoors club SPAN, one person fell off constantly and only three of us stayed dry. They led us through some stretches when we finished, but that didn't save me from sore legs for the next two days. This is definitely a workout I'm going to do again. Who knows, one day I may even conquer waves! Check out this great video of a guy paddle-surfing with his dog.

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