Saturday 27 November 2010

Pleated necklace

When I first bought these beads I wasn't inspired to make anything. I tried them out with all sorts of other beads, but they worked best on their own. I'd only bought 20 at first, ten of the glossy black, and ten of the silver-plated, which wasn't enough for a necklace. I was messing around with some petersham ribbon I'd bought to line headbands with, and suddenly hit on a new idea. But I needed more beads. It wasn't convenient to go back to the original store, and wouldn't you know it - the store I went to had all sorts of beads in 15mm and 12mm but barely a thing in 14mm. I finally chanced on some matte black beads after half an hour of searching through bottles of beads of all shapes and colours. Lucky! After that it was a simple matter of sewing it all together. The only thing I'm disatisfied with is that the necklace doesn't sit flat around your neck all day. It tends to roll up at the nape of your neck, showing the ribbon backing. I'm not quite sure how to fix this, but as it isn't a significant problem (the whole necklace doesn't twist around), I'm not going to spend too much time worrying about it.

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