Wednesday 5 January 2011

Ginger for a day

Well the short-lived blonde experiment is over. I can't say I had more fun, because frankly either I wasn't blonde for long enough, or brunettes really do have more fun. I've always preferred natural and blonde was just too hard to maintain. Costly, hours of commitment to get the right blonde, turning yellow a week after a toner even though I used the purple shampoo. Who needs that? I may have a problem with commitment...
Anywho, I've been spending too much money lately, so I decided to sort out my hair myself. Thankfully I did my research, and found out that I could have had a disaster on my hands if I'd gone straight to brown. Apparantly if you do that, you end up with green hair. So for one day I was a ginger. It doesn't look that bright in this photo, but believe me it was. After that exciting day I put in a brown dye and voila, back to normal (well a slightly more mahogany version of normal). Who knows, in a few weeks I could be bald considering the amount of stress I've placed on my hair in the last six weeks. Now there's a new look for me. When's the World's Greatest Shave?

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