Tuesday 17 January 2012

Weight loss

I've decided to start losing weight today. I decided a while ago, but then I spent a couple of months telling myself that this ice cream was a final treat, this McDonald's meal would be the last one, I'd finish this bag of lollies this weekend because I wouldn't have any next week, all of which led to me putting on more weight. Enough already!

I don't have to lose a lot, but I am on the verge of having to go up a clothing size and I'm officially overweight. I always say it's far easier to lose a little than waiting until I have a lot to lose. At 76.1kg I'm over the healthy weight range for my height, which is 59-74kg. I'm aiming for 68-70kg so that I'm not sitting right at the top of this range.
I want to lose about one tenth of my weight (about 0.7kg) a week, so I should reach my goal in about three months. I'll be ready for a bikini just in time for winter!
To ensure I stick to my program, I'm going to post my weight, measurements, and exercise done once a week. I'll also talk about my successes and challenges on the weight loss journey. I'll be using meal plans that I've based on old Weight Watchers recipes and others I've picked up along the way.

I welcome comments!

Starting measurements


  1. Hey Ruby. Something that has really helped me shed a few kilos before Ironman in May has been an android app called myfitnesspal. It is free and allows you to track calories and exercise to help manage weight loss. I think it is also iphone friendly. Anyway, I hope that helps you out a bit. Best of luck with the challenge, I look forward to following your progress on the blog as a secret blog stalker for some time - *_*. Dave

  2. babe, like how you've broken this down into bite size chunks....he, he, he.

    If you need a walking or excercise buddy let me know now that you're almost a neighbour.

    My mum's illness and recent passing took care of the extra kgs I was carrying....don't recommend this as a diet strategy. Now I need to keep the extra kgs off so I can look amazing for my wedding sometime this year :)

    If you have some bike lights we could do a lap or two around Olympic Park one night after work.

    PS how did the move go?

  3. love the swimsuit by the way! good luck. talk soon x
