Wednesday 18 January 2012

Starting on the exercise

So I have my exercise program worked out. I've been making a gradual start to it, by starting kayaking in the first week of January, then adding indoor climbing and cycling to work last week. This week I introduced yoga. Kayaking is very new to me, but the others I've done quite a bit in the past.

I recently joined the Lane Cove River Kayakers, who specialise in river marathons. On Wednesday nights we get a lesson on technique, then compete in a time trial over 6 or 12km. I don't have my own kayak yet, but the club members are really supportive and let me try out theirs.

My cycle to and from work is about 30 minutes each way. It's a pretty easy ride with very few hills and a lovely scenic section through Bicentennial Park at Homebush. I really should improve on that time, as I'm taking it a bit easy at the moment. I'm planning to do that about three days a week.

Once a week I climb indoors with my outdoors club (ironic I know). I've only been a few times, but so far I've moved on to the blue courses and even managed an easy overhang just before Christmas. At the moment I'm trying to shimmy my way up a rope, after getting one metre off the ground last week.

Yoga will improve my flexibility and strength and force me to relax once a week. I'm a bit sore after this week's visit and I finally relaxed after an hour of checking the clock and thinking time was passing slowly.

I may start tennis in February, just because I love it.

This seems like a lot of exercise, but it doesn't feel like it. Going to a gym feels like exercise, but cycling just gets me to and from work - like a commute, and the climbing and kayaking I do with friends and have a great time. The best thing about living in the city is that I've got so many choices of where to do these activities, so I don't have conflicts. Only conflict will be with my willpower!

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