Tuesday 8 February 2011

The First Emperor

On Sunday I escaped the heat with my brother at the NSW Art Gallery, where we saw The First Emperor exhibition. There was a bit of a crowd and a 15 minute wait in the line, but this was pretty bearable, especially as the air-conditioning was a welcome relief from the heat and humidity outside.

The exhibition is small but well presented and informative. It gives you a taste for more, and I now very much want to go to China to see the entire collection of entombed ceramic warriors. You get to see one of each type of warrior, from kneeling archers to charioteers and their horses. There are a good range of bronze artefacts, including the half life-size bronze horses and chariot, which are inlaid with gold and quite stunning. The best thing about the exhibition is the story, which captures you through the excellent presentation of reading panels. Well worth going to! Check out the video below for the full story. The exibition is open until 13 March.

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